From imperative to declarative code using LINQ extension methods

Author: Kasper B. Graversen
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Code Readability Coding Guideline Looping Iteration for LINQ Declarative Programming Imperative Programming

In this article we show how break down and separate unrelated business logic of a program. By creating a LINQ extension method, the separated code is very easy to reuse across the application, further, it transform the code from being imperative to declarative.

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Table of Content

1. Introduction

The other day I wrote Restrict expressibility when iterating it serves as the theoretical foundation for this article. The main take-away from it is how readable code is achieved through using code constructs that are limited in expressibility. Thus, a LINQ expression is typically easier to reason about than say a for loop due to the limitations of what you can do. We continue this trail of thought, by showing an example where we turn logic expressed with a for loop into using LINQ.

This implementation strategy has many advantages which are detailed later in the article, but to wet your appetite, let's summarize

In essence, we are developing a separate Replace() method that naturally extend the LINQ universe.

2. A use case

Please excuse me for this whole section 2. I want to take outset in real life code, and thus the scene must be set for a concrete problem. This way, hopefully it becomes more relevant to you. I hope it is not at the expense of you being bored to tears and quitting out.

2.1 Modelling intervals

For a constraint solver I am building I need a way to express a span of values, say from -2 up to but, not including, 30. We can depict this as:

 -2                      30

We use [ to represent inclusive and | to denote exclusive. we can achieve this by creating a Span class, like a Tuple holding two values, and instantiate it with:

new Span<int>(-2, 30);

In addition to holding the values, we also implement an overlap check IsOverlapOf().

2.2 Modelling coverage of intervals

Given a collection of these intervals, we want to track if they together span the whole range for the given data type. E.g. int has the range of -2147483648 to 2147483647. If we define the interval -2 to 30, we have two uncovered intervals, namely that of -2147483648 upto -2 and 30 upto 2147483647.

Graphically we can represent the uncovered interval as starting with

int.MinValue                    int.MaxValue

and after configuring the interval (-2, 30) the uncovered interval becomes

     [----------|     [-------------------]
int.MinValue   -2     30             int.MaxValue

We implement an collection administering this information, by holding both the configurations and the uncovered intervals.

public class IntIntervalCollection
    List<Span<int>> Configurations = new List<Span<int>>();
    List<Span<int>> UncoveredIntervals;

2.3 Splitting an interval

On the Span class we can create a method, that given an interval, produces 0, 1, or 2 sub intervals where the given interval is excluded. What for? Well, to cater for the very situation depicted above.

public class Span<T> where T : IComparable<T>
    public readonly T From, Upto;

    public List<Span<T>> RemoveInterval(Span<T> interval)
        var result = new List<Span<T>>();
        if (Compare.LessOrEquals(From, interval.From))
            result.Add(new Span<T>(From, interval.From));

        if (Compare.Greater(Upto, interval.Upto))
            result.Add(new Span<T>(interval.Upto, Upto));

        return result;

Basically, the gist of it is that when the input starts after the current interval, we create a span covering up to the input start. Like-wise in the other end. Assume we have an interval of the full range of int and we call RemoveInterval() with an (-2, 30), we get two intervals: (int.MinValue, -2) and (30, int.MaxValue). Assuming we understand the graphics above this is as expected.

3. Adding a configuration element

Now the scene has been set. The problem introduced along with all the pieces needed. Now we just need to assemble them.

When adding an element to our IntIntervalCollection collection, we add it so the Configurations list, and subtract the interval from the UncoveredIntervals using the RemoveInterval().

There are many ways to doing this. I'll show how I first approached this using low-level imperative for with indexing. When I had a working solution, I immediately refactored it into a declarative LINQ extension. After analysing the end-result, through writing this article, I feel quite content with spending that bit of energy on doing the refactoring.

3.1 The business logic expressed imperatively using for

The following code will

public class IntIntervalCollection
    public void AddConfiguration(Span<int> configuration)
        for (int i = 0; i < UncoveredIntervals.Count; i++)
            if (UncoveredIntervals[i].IsOverlapOf(configuration))
                var tmp = UncoveredIntervals[i];
                var splitIntervals = tmp.RemoveInterval(configuration);

                UncoveredIntervals.InsertRange(i, splitIntervals);

In the outset this code is not too bad. Sure we are iterating over a list of elements and potentially could perform funky stuff on i while iterating. But the whole code fits on my screen. You'' notice that the style is very imperative. Step-by-step instructions are made to iterate over the uncovered steps, and if we have a match we replace and break out. We can extract the iterating part of the logic as shown below:

public class IntIntervalCollection
    public void AddConfiguration(Span<int> configuration)
        int? pos = FindOverlap(configuration);
        if (pos.HasValue)
            var tmp = UncoveredIntervals[pos.Value];
            var splitIntervals = tmp.RemoveInterval(configuration);
            UncoveredIntervals.InsertRange(pos.Value, splitIntervals);

    int? FindOverlap(Span<int> configuration)
        for (int i = 0; i < UncoveredIntervals.Count; i++)
            if (UncoveredIntervals[i].IsOverlapOf(configuration))
                return i;
        return null;

We are moving towards a more declarative coding style in the AddConfiguration() method. And w have separated the logic between searching and replacing. Notice how we are closer to the bullet point description served above. Definitely a step in the right direction. But we can do better!

Of course there are many ways to cut the cake in terms of which parts of the code we want to extract into which methods. This is just what came to mind first. Thus this is in no way the "authoritative" approach.

3.2 The business logic expressed declaratively using LINQ

As motivated in Restrict expressibility when iterating using LINQ over for often leads to more readable code. The code shown in 3.1 is somewhat unclear if we look at the methods from a 5 mile perspective. There is a method for adding, and a method for finding an overlap. Zooming in on the AddConfiguration(), we see some removing and inserting. Looking even closer, we discover that the removing and inserting is related in position. In actuality, what we are dealing with here is a replacement.

So really, the code is self explanatory when expressed in terms of a "replacement". Maybe something like:

public class IntIntervalCollection
    public void AddConfiguration(Span<int> configuration)
        UncoveredIntervals = UncoveredIntervals.Replace(matcher, replacer);

LINQ does not provide a replace, but we can easily create one on our own.

From the above pseudo code, we have 3 abstractions in play here. A Replace() LINQ method, a matcher which can pin point the element to be replaced, and a replacer which given an element to replace, produce a list of elements to replace with.

The below code matches this description quite nicely. The code uses a few tricks. The argument is prefixed with this making it an extension method. It returns and takes as first argument a IEnumeratble<T>. We are using yield when returning elements of a sequence. The three together is what is required to make a LINQ extension method. We will not go in-depth with any of these constructs, as it is outside the scope of this article and is well addressed on the internet.

public static class LinqReplacer
    public static IEnumerable<T> Replace<T>(
        this IEnumerable<T> elements,
        Func<T, bool> match,
        Func<T, IEnumerable<T>> replacer)
        bool hasReplaced = false;
        foreach (var element in elements)
            if (!hasReplaced && match(element))
                hasReplaced = true;
                foreach (var replaced in replacer(element))
                    yield return replaced;
                yield return element;

Our pseudo code now as real C# code.

public class IntIntervalCollection
    public void AddConfiguration(Span<int> configuration)
        UncoveredIntervals =
                x => x.IsOverlapOf(configuration),
                x => x.RemoveInterval(configuration))


4. Abstraction leads to general applicability

The Replace() method is a general abstraction over a common re-occurring problem. And since we do not constraint the type parameter T, we can apply it to all sorts of type. And problems. How about playing around with string replacement?

var input = new[] { "Hello", "World", "Bye", "Again" };
var replaced = input.Replace(x => x.StartsWith("A"), x => new[] { x.ToLower()});

var result = string.Join(", ", replaced);

which prints: Hello, World, Bye, again.

Now that we have a basic notion of a Replace() in a LINQ context, we can start thinking in terms of it. Giving inspiration to how we implement the Replace(). Perhaps we should rename Replace() to ReplaceFirst() and create a Replace() that does not bail out after the first match. Or how about a Replace() that is aware of the ordering of the input and thus can do optimizations based on this knowledge. It is an open territory for ideas to be seized. Testing is easy since we have abstracted away concrete business cases.

But perhaps more importantly, we can also think of using Replace() in the context of solving other business requirements. The string example was not an important example, it merely shows how wide a range of problems we can apply this to.

5. Discussion

I will argue that the Replace() abstraction leads to higher quality software, that is easier to read and reuse. Yet there is a thing or two to be said.

5.1 The problem with lesser experienced developers

Admittedly, it may be a bitter pill to swallow for a less experienced programmer, the first time he looks at the implementation of Replace(). It may be outside his domain of knowledge

But aren't we blowing things out of proportion? A less experienced developer may not even recognize that we are not using the standard LINQ methods supplied from Microsoft. Secondly, the yield semantics have been around for a long time now. That along with LINQ has been well established to be a good idea: From Smalltalk in 1967, to C# (2007), heck even Java jumped wagon (2015)!.

I have not written a LINQ extension method in over a year, yet I was able to spew out the Replace() in one go. Without needing to look up anything on the internet. It was bug free. Testing took longer to write than the code itself. So let's not exaggerate complexity here when you have first learned how LINQ operates and how to do extension methods.

Besides getting the lesser experienced up to speed in terms of expressing code using the full potential of the programming language is a small price to pay. Let alone, all the future implementations the now less-lesser-experienced will be writing. Understanding the capabilities of the language in which you program can only lead to something good.

It is possible to create a Replace() method that is not integrating with LINQ, operating on List<> and not using the "extension method semantics" of C#. Surely, that would make the code look more familiar to the less experienced, but we will loose out on the composibility with the rest of LINQ which would be a shame.

5.2 Separation of concerns

What we have achieved here may seem a bit complicated to programmers not used to using LINQ or seeing LINQ extensions. And you can argue, that the number of lines certainly have increased. Line count, however, is very subjective. What looks longer may in fact be shorter! Every time we start re-using Replace() in Never the less, we have achieved something "magical".

5.3 Over engineering?

Is this a case of over engineering? A bored programmer spending an afternoon conjuring up magical artefacts rather than droning XML configuration files? I believe not! The refactoring was not time consuming. We have a reusable component. Our IntIntervalCollection (and all the other collection classes for dates, long, etc. I need implementing) benefits from the abstraction. Both in terms of code size and complexity.

5.4 Performance implications

I have not made any performance measurements. If you feel inclined, please do so and share your experiences. But even if it turns out that the Replace() using LINQ is 5 times slower than the "low level" in-array solution presented first, I wouldn't hesitate to using Replace(). When I have a somewhat or complete application I will performance measure the most common use cases and let that be my guide.


We have shown how to turn a for into LINQ, thereby reducing the expressibility of the code. Separating unrelated business code that can be independently tested and re-used. We turn imperative code into declarative code. This means we shift focus from how to what.

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